Game Pitch
Some strong points Frazer mentioned was my low-poly environment skills have transferred over from my Year 1 Final Project. The bird house and its charm was a good choice, so I will add other charming decorations that will relate to the theme correspondingly. I will need to look more into types of birds, to also help with the detailing in the game, and maybe the origin of the bird like for example having a British bird to tie down the context more, and to help make asset decisions to have different styles of trees. I need to keep up with my time management, and stay on top of my work on Trello.
I will need to prioritize rigging my 3d character in order to catch up on practical work and get the hardest obstacle out of the way. Also need to consider having a depth of field on my camera.
Looking into Spyro, and the remastered games, to gain inspiration for the art style, and to look into how to detail an environment effectively. Look into Zelda : A Link To The Past, to look into the camera settings, and the overall art style of the game.
This pitch went better than anticipated, and I got some great insight into where to go forward in terms of tackling certain pieces of work. I will try to prioritize practical work when I'm in college over research work, as this can be completed outside of college and during the Easter Break. This also gave a good outlet of what research I can get on with, aswell as ideas for the interactive environment.